Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sports Week 14th Dec'2015 to 18th Dec'2015

St. John Bosco High School  & Junior College Badlapur Dist : Thane Sports Week is the largest celebration of Sport within Schools. School Sports Week is a perfect time to get a year group or the whole school involved in a sporting fun day and raise the profile of sport. With huge sporting events taking place in 2015,  School Sports Week is a fantastic reason for students to engage and experience sport like never before. Not only is this a great opportunity to get students involved in the familiar sports within a PE lesson but it is also a perfect time to get students involved in a Fun  where they can be introduced to new and exciting sports which they may not normally participate in.

We understand the pressure that schools and other organisations are under to provide learning outside the classroom so with our activities, we can bring outside learning into the school grounds without the cost and hassle of transporting students to a different location.

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