Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How To Pray the Rosary

How to Pray the Rosary 1. Sign yourself and begin with the Apostle’s Creed.

2. Our Father.

3. Three Hail Marys. Glory Be.

4. Announce the First Mystery. Our Father.

5. Ten Hail Marys (one on each bead). Glory Be. Fatima Prayer.

This completes one “decade.” Decade, meaning “ten,” refers to a set of ten Hail Marys, which is introduced by one Our Father and finished with a Glory Be and an aspiration (usually the Fatima prayer). There are five decades in a typical set of rosary beads.

Continue along the beads, saying the next four decades and meditating on the next four mysteries. If you say all fifteen decades, you will go around the rosary beads three times.

You will end at the centerpiece, where you may say concluding prayers if you wish.

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