Tuesday, May 10, 2011

St. John Bosco called Don Bosco

St. John Bosco called Don Bosco, the Father and Teacher of Youth, used many attractive means to educate the young: sports, music, theatre, picnics, personal correction, spiritual direction, confessional counsels, homily, etc The ‘Good Night’ talk was yet another innovative instrument he utilized, to form and transform the heart and mind of his poor boys. Given at night, just before retiring to rest, these brief talks of three to five minutes produced tremendous results. A word of appreciation spoken during these talks encouraged the young to preserve in doing the good. A word of caution prevented them from falling into unhealthy habits. Repeated exhortations made them live a virtuous and dignified life. The Salesian educative system is firmly rooted in providing a ‘suitable educative atmosphere’ to grow. These Good Night talks truly served as effective tools in creating such formative ambience .

The greatest means inspired by Mamma Margaret to build family spirit is the ‘Good Night’ talk . Later on Don Bosco gladly inserted into his pastoral educative system. Given at the end of the day, it invites all to reflect on the daily occurrences, to arrive at inspiring conclusions, and to live a good community life. If we consider Don Bosco as a ‘man of all times and seasons’, then, we need not hesitate to accept this tradition as an effective means to practice the Salesian educative system, Several past pupils of this seminary, introduced it in their boarding's or minor seminaries in their priestly ministry.

SALESIANS: All kinds of people for all kinds of kids !

The Patron of this institution is - Saint John Bosco, who was called Don Bosco, born on August 16th 1815 to Francis and Margaret Bosco in the small hamlet of Becchi in Turin, Italy. Losing his father when he was just 3 years old he grew up in abject poverty and had to face severe hardships and was unable to attend any regular school. As he grew up his own poverty and under privileged position made him increasingly identify with others like him. He decided to become a priest and was ordained as one in 1841. He then dedicated his entire life to comfort , help, education and up-liftment of poor street urchins - whether in the streets, factories or prisons. John Bosco conceived the-:

" Preventive System" of education.

Kids are heart and soul of parents who shower love, affection and provide them right direction for their future.

School Administration and Teachers take utmost responsibility on Safety and Care of the kids who are entrusted to them by parents with lots of trust, confidence and faith.

Schools and Teachers have a major Share in grooming, & nurturing the kids with Good culture, Education and responsibility towards enabling the child to become a respectable citizen of the Country. “

Principal Rector Rev Fr. Jairaj M Rao

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